carla bergman, co-author, with Nick Montgomery, of Joyful Militancy, joins us for this episode. We dive into the writing process of this inspiring, must-read book, as well as how we resist our own radically rigid tendencies, why joy and melancholy often skip hand-in-hand, and why we should let the youth lead us. We hope you leave this convo with a full cup since we certainly did! Afterward, Joy and Sarah talk about revolution as a way of being and how to break out of our self-imposed cages.
We’re taking a vacation break but will be back with more Folkery in July! Thanks for putting up with all our puns and made-up words for a whole year (wow!!), we love you!
@ joyfulcarla on the socials
FEATURED MUSIC: “I’ve Always Loved the Monsters” by Time, Maudlin Magpie & A Thousand Vows, and “Love Yourself” by Joy Damiani (released under Emily Yates), courtesy of the artists.